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Basics of Common Mistakes in English Grammar

It is the English language is well-known for its role as the primary language for international communication in the contemporary world. Common Mistakes in English Grammar Regardless of where you come from and whatever language you are fluent in, studying English will prove beneficial for your personal and professional life. Naturally, it’s true that the English language is often a challenge for new learners by presenting them with a variety of grammatical obstacles and stumble-blocks.

Some of the most common grammar mistakes are pronoun errors. They occur when pronouns do not agree in number with the nouns to which they refer. If the noun is singular, the pronoun must be singular. If the noun is plural, the pronoun must be plural as well.


1.) The Present Tense and the Past Tense

Present Tenses In English can be used in English to discuss the present and the future or to summarize an article, film, or play that tells an account of the present past.

There are four present-tense forms that are used in the English language.

Present Simple I Work

Current Continuous: I’m working

Present Perfect: I’ve worked

Continuous present perfect: I’ve been working


It is possible to use the past tense when discussing certain events or situations that are over. It is also possible to use the past tense in English to discuss long-running incidents and events which have already occurred during the last. Learn more about mistakes in English grammar, from top instructors for free

As an example when I was an infant I was a child, and I lived in the country.

2.) How to avoid the use of too many Adverbs

Adverbs are a variety of words that can be used in various ways to communicate a variety of kinds of meanings.

Adverbs can be an effective word group. But, it is important to be careful not to overuse these words to describe events and actions. Best ways to learn  common grammar mistakes

The most frequently used adverbs are adverbs that have a manner, this specific type of adverb modifies the verb.

For instance:

Emily Scott shook her head with a shaky hand.

The man was great mood right now, smiling wide as he sat down to drink his cup of tea.

An issue that is common in writing stories is when you over-rely on adverbs that describe manners within your story.

For instance:

The curtain was opened swiftly and Ben entered the room. He noticed Emma being smitten with Jack and then walked up to her in a hostile manner. “Why is it that you’re here?’ he shouted in anger.

Here’s the exact extract, with the way verbs highlighted:

The curtain was opened swiftly and Ben was slowly entering the room. He noticed Emma being smitten with Jack and then came over to her in a hostile manner. “Why is it that you’re there?’ he shouted in anger.

3) Your/You’re

These words are also problematic homophones that can cause a lot of problems.


“Your” signifies the possession of something – and also indicates that something is yours.

“You’re” is an abbreviation of “You You”.

Here’s how not to employ these terms:

You’re gorgeous.

Do you know when you’re planning to go?

Would you like to have your coat?

How to do it correctly:

You’re beautiful.

Do you know where you’ll be there?

Do I have access to your coat?

4) Misplacing Apostrophes

The apostrophes are a bit difficult when you first start, but once you know the rules, it’ll be easy. Inputting an apostrophe at the wrong spot is a common error. Common Mistakes in English Grammar


Apostrophes signify that something is part of an entity or is owned by another person.

To prove it is the property of a single person, add an apostrophe in front of the letter ‘S.’

For example “The Girl’s Sheep”.

To prove that something is owned by multiple people, you have to put the apostrophe in front of the letter ‘S’.

For instance – “The girl’s “sheep”.

5) They’re

It is possible that you will find these annoying homophones can cause a bit of trouble.


Utilize “There” to mean an area that’s not there, such as, “Over there.”

Make use of “Their” to indicate the person who owns something. This shows that it belongs to the person.

Make use of “They’re” can be a shorter form from “They Are”.

Here’s how not to employ these terms:

They’ll arrive soon.

We need to contact them.

Are we able to stay in the house?

There is a debate that claims.

Here’s how to make use of these words properly:

They’ll arrive in the near future.

6) Confusion of similar spellings and words

It is believed that the English language is incredibly full of words that sound similar or have spellings that are similar however, they have distinct meanings and should be utilized in different contexts.

One of the most frequent issues faced by those who are trying to learn English as a second language is being sure that they are using the right word in the proper context, not an equivalent but incorrect one.

It is the only method to prevent this dilemma is to understand the appropriate words for each context, on a case basis.

7) Utilizing insufficient comparisons


Many words used in the English language suggest the idea of comparison. Using the words in a way that does not “complete an analysis” is a frequent grammatical error.

Below is an example of an insufficient comparison:

8) Adverbs and adjectives getting confused

Confusion of adjectives and adverbs can result in writing or speech that appears informal and perhaps even uninformed It’s also a good method of causing a lot of irritation to English teachers.

Most often, you’ll see this problem with words that begin with “-ly.”

Here are some mistakes in grammar:

“It was a really nice morning today.”

“I quickly ran towards the stop for buses.”

Let’s see the way these two instances might look if they were correctly grammatically:

9) You may have misplaced your modifiers

Language is pretty boring without words that add an extra flavor to sentences as well as descriptive language.

This is precisely where the modifiers enter.

By changing modifiers “the tiger” could be “the frightening tiger,” “the sunrise” can be changed to “the stunning sunrise,” and so on.

The problem is that the modifiers need to be placed in close proximity to the word they’re changing in order to ensure that the meaning gets lost.

“Misplacing those modifiers” signifies that you are placing these modifiers too far away from the phrases they’re meant to modify within your sentences.

This results in confusion.

In reality, incorrectly placed modifiers can completely alter how you read your sentences in unexpected ways.

Let’s look at an example of a wrong modifier:

“He nearly walked the whole day.”

Here’s how this particular illustration would appear if the modifier were at the correct place:

10) Falling into pronoun disagreement

One common error in grammatical usage for English learners is the tendency of their pronouns and nouns to be in disagreement when dealing with singular or plural instances. Common Mistakes in English Grammar

The most basic principle is that singular pronouns should be coupled with singular nouns and plural pronouns should be used in conjunction together with plural words.

For instance:

“Every boy is required to register once they arrive” isn’t true. “Boy” can be singular while “they” is plural.

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