How to win the blogger block and write every day

The blogger block is a real nightmare, a sneaky enemy that leaves no way out. Does it seem like child’s play to write one article a day? Well, maybe you think so because you are at the beginning.
The editorial project is in full swing, it gives you good vibes. But when you have a year or two of publications behind you, you conclude: the topics are harder to find.
This happens above all for vertical projects, those dedicated to very specific themes and which can become essential tools for conquering specialized and monetizable niches. However, the opportunities are dwindling, and this does not always happen for small and specialized projects.
Even the big themes can propose the problem to the writer on duty. What do I write? The management of an editorial calendar serves precisely this: to avoid crises that lead to the infamous blogger block. That is the moment you stare at the blank page.
A white expanse, with the cursor blinking without ideas. A real nightmare. How to solve this step? Here’s everything I do to never run out of posts.
The Topic Of This Post
1 Study the research of online users well
2 Don’t forget the internal blog searches
3 Check out the forums and communities
4 Follow questions from the audience in the comments
5 How to win the blogger block in your opinion
Study the searches of online users well
This is the first useful tip to counter the blogger block: you must have good keyword research in front of you. Usually, it operates on query whenever we look for something on an engine …informational and transactional, but as far as editorial work is concerned, you can focus on the former. That is, those that allow your name to intercept people interested in a topic and who need help.
How to find the keywords? There are dozens of SEO tools you can use to get the answer you are looking for, however, I use a handful of tools that make a difference. Here is my list:
Answer The Public.
Google Trends.
Google Suggest.
With the first one, Answer The Public, I can get a good long keyword list. I’m talking about the famous long-tail keywords that can help you a lot in defining headline
Ubersuggest gives you information like query volume and CPC, while Google Trends offers audience trends. Finally, you can refine everything by querying the search completion, always interesting to find out what people type on the engine.
There would also be various paid suites, such as Seozoom and Semrush. But for the work on the titles of the blog
How to handle the tide of headlines and data
To organize all this I use a nice Excel sheet and mind maps: tools that give me the possibility to systematize and define themes and topics to speed up the work.
The inclusion of ideas in the editorial calendar must be quick and effective, and this is the best way in my opinion. Mind maps visually define the evolution of a topic, while the spreadsheet manages publications over time. Have you already tried this solution?
Don’t forget the internal blog searches
An old sea dog trick of blogging. Or rather, it is a common-sense operation that is often ignored. But that can add a lot to your online publication calendar. Do you know what the internal search of a site is for? Allows surfers to find the items they need.
Thanks to Google Analytics you can track the queries entered in this space and get the questions they ask your site. So you can achieve a goal: understand what you are looking for in your editorial product. Never lose sight of the needs of the public: with this step, you can give readers what they want ( here is the guide to activate this service ).
Check out the forums and communities
If you are looking for new sources to use to overcome the blogger block you can dive into that world of exchanges and conversations represented by the forums. Each sector has its forums.
There are websites rich in content to study that are fueled by the comparison between those looking for more data and information on a topic. But there are not only these realities.
For example, you can take advantage of question and answer sites like Yahoo Answer and Quora. Here you can find many questions that can become titles to add to the plan. Do you know how I find all the threads that interest me? I use the search operator site: together with the keyword.
Here is the site operator: at work
So I can have a list of engaging questions. Have I already addressed them on my blog? They could be interesting sources of traffic, but don’t just look at the questions: go deeper, go to the answers and discussions. There may be ideas worth noting. This mechanism works with everything online and reachable, not password protected or noindex.
You can do the same with Facebook communities. Except, in this case, you don’t have to use the search engine to analyze the questions left: just a query in the internal search to get the information you need.
Follow questions from the audience in the comments
One of the main resources: blog comments. There is dozens of competitor Perfect, you have an extra opportunity if you are looking for interactions, here you can find a series of useful information to find new topics to address on the blog.
Problems related to the absence of ideas on the editorial calendar are on the agenda, this is clear. But if you look in the conversations of the industry blogs you can surely find good ideas.
One of the most important sources: your blog. That’s right, what you write can be commented on, and in these stages, you can find people asking concrete questions. Questions that you may never have faced and that suddenly open up a world to you. This way you can add a new article to the post sequence, and you can do a good job of building loyalty.
After publishing the article, you ca/n reply to the comment and suggest the link for further information. Everyone is pleased to receive not only an answer to address a doubt but an entire article. This is something to consider when looking for new ideas in the comments.
How to win the blogger block in your opinion
In these points I have defined the steps to get what you need: the solution to write consistently. I know well, this is one of the crucial points for those who decide to open an online diary. Whether personal or corporate, it makes no difference: constancy is the mother of all success.
You have to write good articles, but not just today and tomorrow. Every week, every month. For years. The Insurance blogger block needs to be solved ASAP – do you want to add something to my recipe?