The Hybrid Family Model

The Hybrid family is making an entrance into this new generation.
Families have evolved. We make do with what we can, with what we have, during increasingly narrow timelines.
Family structure is no longer limited to being comprised of two married parents living in a home with their offspring.
Single parenting, remarriage, and economic housing situations have restructured the definition of family structure.
The current generation of children is being pushed into adulthood at an unprecedented pace, due to having access and exposure to more graphic adult content on the Internet and television than previous generations.
A hybrid family is based on the principles of awareness, honesty, creativity, responsibility, and love.
Hybrid families are better equipped to meet the demands of a society that is oversaturated with materialism, media, economic stress, and automation.
Here are 5 essential components of a Hybrid Family:
1. Have an open door:
Initiate conversations about complex emotions, such as fear, anger, or passion. Learn to define these emotions.
Dig beneath the surface of labeling emotions, and talk about what each emotion feels like when you think about it, when you experience it, and how you think the experience it.
Practicing emotional availability will allow you to develop stronger, more meaningful bonds with others.
Having an open door will invite an increased sense of compassion, empathy, and moral behavior into your home.
2. Focus on mind-body connection:
Practice yoga together. Go for walks. Play sports.
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Whatever physical activity you choose, talk about it as you’re doing it, or reflect on it after.
We often take our physical abilities and our senses for granted and engage in physical activities in an autopilot mode.
When was the last time you went for a walk and looked up at the clouds and talked about the shapes you see?
When was the last time you noticed what it feels like to be upside down or running against the wind?
There is something beautiful and fascinating in even the most mundane daily activities.
Make a point to be aware of what is around you and, notice how your bodies interact with the environment, and then talk about it.
3. Embrace art, creativity, and self-discovery:
Creating things and exploring our abilities is one of the purest forms of play. Curiosity and creativity are the driving factors in motivating us to learn.
Computers, tablets, and smartphones have quickly begun to replace traditional art forms and opportunities to explore.
We can create digital masterpieces, and take virtual tours of a museum across the world.
While technology is certainly an asset to education, it doesn’t replace the feel of wet clay on our hands, or the sounds and smells of historical landmarks.
Take some time to engage all of your senses in the n exploration and discovery of new skills and experiences.
4. Apologize and forgive:
These are two of the most simple and most discussed concepts of healthy relationships, yet they are the most difficult to practice.
Take a moment to think about what a true apology is, and what it means to forgive.
If you can master these two things, you’ll notice a significant decrease in power struggles, resentment, and negative energy.
Apologies and forgiveness should be sincere, without the presence of pride or ego, and to resolve conflict rather than place blame or keep score.
5. Spend real time together:
The amount of quality time spent with the Hybrid family is already limited, especially when we have to work longer hours and function with less sleep and energy.
Have dinner together without the presence of electronics, play board games, read books, or engage in activities that allow you to bond and consciously interact with each other.
Life is too short to have our eyes glued to a screen.
We end up missing out on conversations that help us to feel connected with the people we love, which can lead to guilt and regret.
Dig up some energy, even if for a few minutes, and make it count.
If you’ve been feeling guilty about letting your kids spend too much time on the computer because it’s less stressful for you, take just 5-10 minutes to pull them away and talk to them about something meaningful.
Detach from whatever thoughts are stressing you out, let go of your mental to-do list, and be present at the moment with the people you care about.
You’ll feel more fulfilled and happy at the end of the day knowing you’ve spent quality time with each other.