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Ways of making money using podcast

Nowadays there are various ways to make money. What if someone told you that you can make money just by reading out a blog or newspaper article or story in front of a mic and making money from it.
It’s hard to believe right but whether you want to admit it or not it’s the truth. Many people are making hundreds and thousands of dollars through podcasts which are basically reading out a script or having a conversation with someone in front of the mic and letting others hear you out. But how?
Doing a successful podcast doesn’t mean it’s easy as going up to the mic and reading out anything you find. If you do this then instead of earning listeners you would lose them be shunt by the people. Instead, you must find a topic that can relate to your targeted listeners gather information regarding that topic, and then strategically ready out a script that your listener would be keen to hear and stay to listen to your podcast. Your listeners will keep increasing as long as you give podcasts that attract them. As you grow many paths will begin to open up to you from which you can make money with the help of your podcast. Besides even if you don’t do a podcast you can make use of its influence and spread and advertise your brand and get more income.

Sponsorship Offers

As your listeners increase many people will approach you and offer you sponsorships so that you can promote their products and services and let your listener learn about their brand.
They usually offer that amount by the time that their brand got in each episode. It can be 15 seconds from the start or at the end or you can set up the time that is decided between you and your sponsors. Many famous podcasters are earning hundreds and thousands of dollars from sponsors.

Building Relationship

Many people overlook the revenue that can be generated by having a good network. If some of them are influential or have a large group of friends they can also provide a good number of customers for your brand. But how do you find such people? This is where podcasts come in. You can invite people to your podcast to discuss relevant topics about the niche of your brand. Which will not only influence his/her brand view but also yours as well. But that doesn’t mean that you should only can famous people, it doesn’t matter if the invited guest is famous or not what matters is that he is in the field of your brand so that the audiences that he will attract are relevant to the brand field.

Selling audiobooks

Suppose you are a teacher and you can explain any topic related to your subject in an easy and efficient manner that students can relate to. But for every time you have to repeat yourself for each student who comes to you for that topic. Well, it’s tiring. What if you just recorded it and give them the recorded file so that they can review it how many times they want. Similarly, by linking up the episodes related to a specific niche sorting them out accordingly, and create an audiobook that can be bought by your listeners.

Asking for funding

In some cases, you can sometimes ask your listeners for contributions like in Patreon or Streaming Plug where people pay a simple fee to support their favorite content creators or steamers.


All in all, podcasts can mainly be used for earning revenue through sponsorship and crowdfunding. You can also use it as a powerful marketing tool to let another know of the services and products that you are giving.

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